#1 2011-05-16 01:50:59



Registered: 2011-05-16
Posts: 1526

How to buy something?

Hello Alll
I whonna tell you how to buy and how to post.
We can :
1. Change nick.
2. Add colours.
3. Add post.
4. Add Animation to rang. ( Give yours animation rang what you wont to  have it )
ALL THIS FOR 800 Microsoft Points ( After when I will do what you wont. Sending by e@mail, I will give private message with my e@mail and you will have to send me a Redeem code for 800 Microsoft Points if not I will ban your IP )

1. Nick :
2. Colour :
3. Post :
4. Animation : ( Please Give a image )

And what you wont more just add to it



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